In very basic terms we totally respect your personal information and will only ask you for what information we really need from you. Will look after it in the same way we would want ours looking after, keeping it secure! We will only share it with others where we need their help us deliver our service to you (such as our professional printing laboratory, editing company who may need your name and address to post your purchases). Be assured that we will never share your information in any other circumstances – nor will we sell it on elsewhere! Here are more details –


The last of the Light Wedding Photography takes your privacy very seriously. This privacy policy has been prepared in line with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which promotes fairness and transparency for all individuals in respect of their personal data. This privacy policy applies to all data we process, and by using The Last of the Light Wedding Photography you consent to our collection and use of such data.

  1. The Data we collect 

As a data controller we collect a variety of data in order to deliver our services, and we will manage your personal data transparently, fairly and securely.

We may ask you to provide us the following data –

  • First and Last Name
  • Address and Postcode
  • Contact Telephone Number
  • Email
  • Wedding Date
  • Wedding Venue
  • Wedding Reception

Obviously being a photographic business we also create and manage images as per our contractual agreement(s).

We use the above data to enable us to contact you about the photography services that you have booked and so that we have the full information of your wedding day to enable us to deliver our services. We may also contact you to make you aware of other products and services provided by ourselves that may be of interest to you including wedding albums and couple shoots. We may also contact you to gain your permission for the publication of your images by ourselves or a third party.

We collect this data on the following lawful basis to fulfill the services that you have booked us for, to promote further services that we offer that may be of interest and to gain your permission to use your images for our business’s marketing purposes.

When you visit our website the host company will provide you with relevant information with regards to how they collect Cookies, for this they will ask you for your consent. These are small pieces of data that websites send to a user’s computer and are stored on the user’s web browser. They are designed to enable the website to remember information, such as what a user might have put in a shopping cart for example.

  1. Which third parties do we share Personal Data with? 

We share personal data with the following third parties:

  • Our Accountant
  • Album printing companies
  • Email Provider

There are also certain situations in which we may share access to your personal data without your explicit consent; for example, if required by law, to protect the life of an individual, or to comply with any valid legal process, government request, rule or regulation.

  1. Why do we share your Personal Data with the above? 

We share your data in order to;

  • Our Accountant so that they can carry out required legal accountancy services
  • Album printing companies, for example if you have asked for your names and wedding date to be printed on the album. Unless requested otherwise albums are posted directly to us first for checking and we will then repost to you at your desired postal address.
  • Email Provider so that we can contact you when we need to do.
  1. How do we keep your personal data secure? 

We keep your data secure

  • We store paper copies of your contract securely in a locked building.
  • Your images will be held on an online password protected gallery accessible by our website which is hosted by that is GDPR compliant.
  • All computers that are used to communicate with you and to edit and deliver your images are only accessible via a unique password to each device.
  • Your images are stored on hard drives during the editing process which are encrypted with unique passwords.

In the unlikely event of a criminal breach of our security we will inform the relevant regulatory body within 72 hours and, if your personal data were involved in the breach, we will also inform you.

  1. Changes to our privacy policy and control 

We may change this privacy policy from time to time. When we do, we will let you know by changing the date on this policy, notifying customers of only significant changes. By continuing to access or use our services after those changes become effective, you agree to be bound by the revised privacy policy.

  1. You have the following rights –
  • the right to be informed about the collection and use of your personal data
  • the right of access to your personal data and any supplementary information
  • the right to have any errors in your personal data rectified
  • the right to have your personal data erased
  • the right to block or suppressing the processing of your personal data
  • the right to move, copy or transfer your personal data from one IT environment to
  • the right to object to processing of your personal data in certain circumstances, and
  • rights related to automated decision-making (i.e. where no humans are involved) and
    profiling (i.e. where certain personal data is processed to evaluate an individual).
    We also give you the option to manage your data via contacting us by email, telephone or in writing. :

While we do not hold personal data any longer than we need to. The duration will depend on your relationship with us, and whether it is ongoing. We may keep some of your personal data for;

  • A copy of your contract for up to 7 years after our working contract with you has finished for Tax legislation purposes.
  • Copies of email communication for up to a period of 5 years to enable us to answer any queries that you may have.
  • Your images will be held in your private online gallery accessible via our website hosted by as per your agreement with them at the time of creating an account.